Cold Frost Morning – travelling by train

A Cold Frost Morning, travelling by train, looking out of the window as the day breaks from the iron grip of the cold

Cold Frost Morning II image
Cold Frost Morning


Cold Frost Morning

Travelling from Warminster to Bristol Temple Meads. At this time of year, the sun is still rising as I make the journey but all too soon, it will be bright and it will be impossible to grab such muted tones…



Looking back to last September, the morning journey was bright and the action of the morning seemed emphasized. In February, it struggles to start. The contrast is stark.

Images captured on a Google Pixel 2. I think the slight reflections of the train window add to the mood, rather than detract as imperfect photography.


Peace and photography


From the Foot of Glastonbury Tor

Photograph from the foot of Glastonbury Tor

Winter Tor IV B+W image


Taken on 27 January 2018 at 16:38 on Google Pixel 2.

The gritty Winter’s day led me to manipulate this photogrpah from its original colour, into Black + White. Glastonbury Tor is iconic. It stands proud above the Somerset landscape as a beacon to anyone who looks at the world differently. It is a mixture of myth, magnificence, nature and man.

This won’t be the last time I will photograph the Tor.


Peace and photogrpahy
