I’ve been ‘Finding my Feet’ with the Ricoh GR III. Changing between Multi-segment / Center-weighted / Spot and using the Positive Film pre-set has given me a bit of an insight. Some initial RAW file manipulation to see what can and can’t be done. Normally, I’m reticent to start with but I wanted to jump in with this camera.
An overcast day with interesting architecture.
Northampton – Cultural Quarter (RAW)
Northampton – Cultural Quarter (RAW)
Almost Art Deco steps around the side of a small block of flats.
I took a first few photographs with my new Ricoh GR III camera yesterday.
I went into Northampton as lock down easing is in place. It was mid-morning and the sun was out but I hadn’t planned on going specifically to photograph. I found an out of the way location, en route to Yellow Bourbon Coffee Roasters. Everything is still pretty quiet at the moment. It was nice to be out in amongst buildings & shops.
The Location
Stand and Wait
Waiting to Enter
I’ll be returning to Yellow Bourbon for more coffee as it was excellent and the knowledgeable Barista meant I can choose some beans next time..
You can see the best two photographs I obtained here and here
I’m really, really pleased with the Ricoh GR III but it’s early days and I’m still getting to know it. I post processed the above (and linked) images as I was using the Standard JPEG pre-set but I’m now exploring the Positive Film pre-set.
OK, so I said in A New Beginning “…my iPhone 11 but I look to leave this behind and use the GR II exclusively.” but I thought I’d post this one last shot. Well two, actually.
The reason for this is that it is one of those shots where I can’t decide whether it should be in colour or monochrome. So I’m posting both – Street Lines in the Wet
Colour Image
Black and White Image
The colour image carries important information as it shows the yellow of the line marking and immediately triggers a recognition. The black and white image gives a graphically strong message. The lines being white could work as white lines are used in this context. So, although not conveying the same information as the colour image, it works visually.
I can’t decide between the two. A dilemma for One last 11 Shot.
Today was a new beginning, I received my new camera – the Ricoh GR III Compact camera. Released in 2019, it has an APS-C image sensor of 24 megapixels. Ricoh billed it as “The ultimate snapshot camera for the times”. It has a lack of anti-aliasing filter, it has touch focus and a newly designed lens. Therefore, it provides ability in an extremely small package.
I know it will provide me with what I need to be more productive and creative. I can’t wait to get started with it. I’ve charged the battery, formatted the memory card and now, I just have to update the firmware and I’ll be ready to start with a beginner’s mind.
It’s been so and too long since I updated this blog. There’s no excuse. So, there is only one thing to do – Update, reset and begin again.
I nearly lost the murpworkschrome domain but managed to resurrect it, phoenix-like, from the ashes of letting it go. However, I’m back, with renewed vigour.
My Instagram account has grown fatter. I’m happy with a fair few of the photographs taken but I got lazy. Nearly all were taken with my iPhone. I want to do more than this so I’m buying a Ricoh GR III. I walk around and take photographs. If I don’t have to take a camera bag (I have two) then that is good. I don’t want people thinking I’m a photographer. The GR III gives me the ability to replace my smartphone with a smart camera. I want point and shoot intelligence and I think the GR III can give me this.
The latest photographs I took were the other day, driven by the lockdown / Covid-19 affected times
It’s one of the few things you can do!
Today however, it snowed! Now it’s brilliant sun. Once again, constrained by the viral climate, I’m confined to a small area of excursion