Update – Reset – Begin Again

It’s been so and too long since I updated this blog. There’s no excuse. So, there is only one thing to do – Update, reset and begin again.

I nearly lost the murpworkschrome domain but managed to resurrect it, phoenix-like, from the ashes of letting it go. However, I’m back, with renewed vigour.

My Instagram account has grown fatter. I’m happy with a fair few of the photographs taken but I got lazy. Nearly all were taken with my iPhone. I want to do more than this so I’m buying a Ricoh GR III. I walk around and take photographs. If I don’t have to take a camera bag (I have two) then that is good. I don’t want people thinking I’m a photographer. The GR III gives me the ability to replace my smartphone with a smart camera. I want point and shoot intelligence and I think the GR III can give me this.


The latest photographs I took were the other day, driven by the lockdown / Covid-19 affected times

murpworks - murpworkschrome - Update - Reset - Begin Again - Drive Thru I B+W image
murpworks - murpworkschrome - Update - Reset - Begin Again - Drive Thru II B+W image

It’s one of the few things you can do!

Today however, it snowed! Now it’s brilliant sun. Once again, constrained by the viral climate, I’m confined to a small area of excursion

murpworks - murpworkschrome - Update - Reset - Begin Again - Railway Fence image
Railway Fence I
Railway Fence VI

I update, reset and begin again…

Peace and photography


Bristol Street – Arnolfini

Bristol Street - Arnolfini image

Bristol Street – Arnolfini. I visited the Arnolfini museum with mu but unfortunately, it was closed for some kind of refurbishment. The steps that would normally lead us up to exhibition space were to the left.

As there were very few people, this space opened up an opportunity and the light bleeding in from the doorway was cold, Winter light. It contrasted well with the vibrant vertical strip light. I’m really pleased with the copper-coloured pillar that is echoed in the lights across the harbour.

I’m really pleased with this photograph as it captures some of the essence of Street Photography. I feel it’s also one where colour is a strength and adds to the image, developing the narrative; cool, emphasizing a Winter’s day but contrasting with the vivid colour that is an integral part of the Museum.

I shall return to the Arnolfini and capture more images in the near future, no doubt with different lighting, as the days lengthen and Spring, then Summer arrive.

Peace and photography


The Steps Upto a Door

The steps upto a door is a re-visit of a photograph I took last year

Steps Upto a Door image

I always see steps leading upto somewhere rather than down-from.


A Little Bit of Le Corbusier

These are in the Three Horseshoes Walk precinct in Warminster, Wiltshire. They are very utilitarian and unadorned, they conjure up thoughts of Le Corbusier, passing through and thinking “That wall’s a bit bare, I could spruce it up a bit. I know, a series of steps…”. He then moved on to some big commission for an important client, in some perfect setting, feeling like he’d put something back into the community.

When seen in context, below it looks as if you could pick them up and move them or even some kind of plain Trompe L’oeil

Steps Upto a Door I image


Peace and phoptography
